3 Effective Ways To Avoid A Repeat Deer Accident

Posted on: 12 April 2022

Deer collisions can severely damage the structure of your car, and if another incident happens, you risk further damage to other parts of your vehicle. So if you live in an area where deer are common or plan to drive to a remote area with plenty of wildlife, you should be on the lookout to avoid collisions.

Here are some practical ways to avoid repeat collisions with deer or other wildlife. 

Watch Your Speed

Firstly, drive at a safe speed through deer-crossing roads, mainly where the roads divide forestland and farm fields. Oftentimes, you'll find signs that alert you when some areas of the road have a large deer population. With a lower speed, you'll have sufficient time to slow down in case a deer appears out of nowhere. A slower speed also reduces the impact force in case a collision happens.

On the other hand, high speed reduces your reaction time, and you might swerve instead of braking calmly and firmly in a straight line. If you swerve, a deer might get confused in such a way that it can't pick which way to flee. Worse still, you could lose control of your vehicle and hit a tree or another car. 

Avoid Night Driving

Only drive during daylight hours (whenever possible) because most deer-car accidents happen at night. If you must drive at night, buy a pair of glare reduction glasses to enhance your night vision. If traffic allows, use high beams for better visibility. High beams illuminate deer eyes better even at a distance.

Also, note that the speedometer, track and radio lights cause glare issues in your vehicle, which impedes visibility. You might not notice a deer leap onto the road. Use the dimmer switch in your car to reduce the lights that may give you eye fatigue. Also, turn off all devices, as they reduce visibility while driving. 

Buckle Up, and Don't Use Deer Whistles

Most people that get seriously injured in deer-vehicle accidents don't usually have their seat belts on. Understand that a seat belt minimizes your risk, so always wear one while cruising through deer zones. 

Some drivers use deer whistles to scare away animals. Unfortunately, these aftermarket devices are unreliable because animal behavior is always unpredictable. Furthermore, no scientific evidence proves that these devices reduce collisions.

Instead, flash your lights or honk your horn at the moose or deer to scare them away. But only honk when you are far enough because if you do it while closer, the animal might get confused and a collision may occur.

Adhere to these tips as you drive through deer-crossing zones to keep collisions at bay. If you hit a deer accidentally, move off the road and contact animal control. Also, contact your auto collision repair technician if your car sustains damage after you hit a deer. 
